There are occasions when we have older things at home. We don’t always use them, but we enjoy taking them out occasionally and examining them.
Some people refer to these things as antiques, while others call them vintage. Regardless of the name, they often evoke nostalgia and make us reflect on the past. Perhaps that’s the true beauty of having them around.
These vintage items age gracefully and sometimes become even more beautiful over the years. That’s why we’re sharing these pictures with you. You’ll see that these items aren’t just old, they’re actually better.
1. “My grandmother got this in Germany in the 50’s or
60’s. It is now mine, but I honestly don’t know what it is. It’s beautiful.”

2. “Look at this 1960s era Oscar De La Renta mink coat.”

3. “My grandma has owned these glasses for 36 years.
Turns out that they are unsolid gold with ruby.”

4. “A 1920s Uranium necklace. It glows a bright, almost
opaque green when placed under UV light.”

5. “My 1970s dress collection thus far!”

6. “My unique engagement ring, it was my late
grandmother’s. It’s called a floral cluster setting, and it was a trend in
engagement rings in the 1960s.”

7. “About 10 of 100+ Oriya Script Palm Leaf Manuscripts
in my library.”

8. “I inherited this gorgeous table from my partner’s
wealthy grandmother.”

9. “Added a vintage fridge to our kitchen to complete the

10. “Vintage Elgin Pocket Watch from the late 1800s. It
was passed down in the family for 4 generations.”

11. “Mom just gave me a family heirloom… a flask from the

12. “My friend found a turquoise collection from her
grandma and sold it to me. These have sat in a basement for the last 40+

13. “My grandpa’s collection of the first edition hard
cover Harry Potter books. Worth well over $100,000.”

14. “Family heirloom. My grandfather’s watch. Mum says he
treasured it.”

15. “The other vintage guitar in my family. Dad’s 1969
Gibson SG”

16. “101 years old and going strong… There’s nothing like
a vintage fountain pen.”

17. “My grandpa’s razor I inherited, used to shave with
him (without razor in) when little. 1940’s gold plated double edge blade.”

18. “My mum bought these earrings when she was 13 about
60 years ago.”

19. “This vintage couch feels like it was made for our
living room.”

20. “A gorgeous 1970s original Gunne Sax Victorian
wedding dress and an entire set of mid-20th century dinnerware. I’m swooning.”

21. “I was ecstatic when I found this 1960-70’s
marble-top coffee table.”

22. “This dress is literally in perfect condition after
almost 50 years.”

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