25 Brilliant Redneck Solutions to Common Issues

Are you tired of spending a fortune on expensive gadgets to solve everyday problems? Well, look no further than the Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering! This community is filled with creative and innovative people who have found genius solutions to their problems using items that can be found in any garage or toolshed.


#1. My local elotero putting a shopping cart to good use

#2. Redneck repurposing of kids’ recreational toys

#3. I think this qualifies?

#4. Alarm System

#5. My 12 year old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding

#6. Found this fork in my brothers house and asked him why he had done it…. then he ran upstairs to grab his IPad

#7. Self feeding fire

#8. Soap holder at my friend’s house

#9. Solo Couch Carry

#10. Invisible Bottom

#11. Outdoor urinal behind home garage

#12. Spotted this beauty at a Walmart

#13. Your move, NASA

#14. Need to relocate your switch?

#15. Found on FB, thought it was pretty slick

#16. We like redneck engineering so much in Brasil we have a word for it : “Gambiarra”

#17. Just don’t bring it to the boil

#18. This counts, right?

#19. My gas cap stopped closing properly, so I came up with a solution

#20. Im actually impressed

#21. No foundation? No problem….also… WTF?

#22. Almost unnoticeable

#23. Heavy Duty Office Chair

#24. This man is before his time

#25 . Fixed the downspout

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