10+ Quarantine Life Illustrations Of Annada Menon.

As with the ongoing pandemic and the lockdown situation in many countries, a lot of people suffer and many are bored staying home. During the lockdown, people are not allowed to travel, so many people are stuck in different places. At this time people are used to new stuff, some may have developed new hobbies for themselves and some may have the company of loving furry pets.

So during the lockdown in India Annada Menon had created some fascinating illustrations which can be related to people’s current situation. These were created in the month of February by this person and Annada says that these can be related to many people’s lives. Annada had shared his illustrations through boredpanda.

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#1. A 5 Minute Break at The Work Desk

#2. Food Baby With Floof Baby

#3. Grooving The Best Music With You

#4. 14th Feb- Floofs Are The Best Valentine

#5. Snak Just Call Out TO You Every Time You Set Foot In The Kitchen

#6. Movie Nights On A Weekend

#7. Taking Up Painting… That Surprise Sneezes Though

#8. Waking Up Is Difficult Some Days

#9. Baking With Best Company

#10. The Best Weights For A Workout

#11. Those Post Work Stretches

#12. Discovering Money In Those Newly Laundered Clothes

#13. Trying On Good Clothes Them To Check If I Still Fit Into Them

#14. Best Time To Test Those Green Fingers

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