16 Times People Tried Face-Swapping On A Cute Baby, And The Results Are Hilariously Bizarre

Everyone wants to avoid facial aging. Because of this, many people try to seem younger. The development of photographic software has made it simple to meet their needs. The people below, however, have raised the bar for discomfort with their novel method of switching faces with adorable infants. Many funny pictures have been posted on social media sites, but some of them have caught the attention of netizens because of their originality. Every night, we are tortured by images of adults placed over young children's adorable faces. It sounds frightful, yes?

Do you anticipate seeing the eerie images below? We've gathered a list of 16 instances in which someone attempted to switch the faces of adorable babies, and the outcomes are hilariously weird. They'll make you laugh all day, we guarantee it. Check them out by scrolling down, and don't forget to share your own hilarious stories. Enjoy!

#1. The cat looks pretty though

#2. Faceswapped my brother and my daughter. I will never stop laughing at this

#3. Tried to do a face swap with my infant daughter

#4. Possibly one of the best face swaps

#5. Who needs a DNA test?

#6. Wife wanted a family portrait for Christmas. This is what she got.

#7. My girlfriend sent me this face swap the other day

#8. I made a huge mistake with this face swap of my wife and son

#9. Best face swap ever

#10. Today grandma posted her first photo on Facebook. Today I did my first face swap

#11. I attempted to face swap with my son. The result was glorious

#12. This Is What Nightmares Are Made Of

#13. As soon as I found out my wife was pregnant I bought a camera specifically for this purpose

#14. A man’s friend took his infant son swimming this past weekend. I couldn’t resist

#15. Father/son face swaps are disturbing

#16. So my girlfriend got bored while babysitting

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