It is not unexpected that we just do not have time to thoroughly look at everything given how many items we encounter every day. And all of these short glimpses are dangerous because our own eyes can be deceiving. A mutant cat, levitating balconies, and an automobile straight out of a cartoon appear as we peek at something. What does it all mean? Let's solve it together!
Well, well, where are the legs?

House with flying balconies

Just my friends by the river

One body is good, but two is better

Our dinner took off unexpectedly

Zapp Brannigans Law
My friend is feeding the antelope

bomb shell pumps
Yes, it’s a mutant cat!

I just keep two cats that are very similar.
Marks on the asphalt in 3D

Photos of the balconies of our university

Oh those insidious glass countertops

Children grow up very fast

Incredibly starry sky? No, it’s just time to wash the windshield

At first, I thought it was a curly guy swimming in the ocean

Well, to some extent it is. Someone is swimming and holding this sea urchin!
World’s largest dog found

Redbear VIII
Why make a window in the wall of the cubicle?

Cars from the cartoon “Cars” exist!

A clever reflection makes it look like someone is stretching right in the
parking lot.

Well, maybe our eyes sometimes fail us to look at everything even more
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