22 Photos Show What Young People Looked Like 100 Years Ago

People claim that fashion changes frequently, and they are correct. You would discover that he is out of style if he had worn a sailor’s outfit before you. But 100 years ago, that was in style. Young people have been really stylish by being the rebels that they are.

Young folks wore as follows 100 years ago:


#1 Algeria

#2 Germany

#3 England

#4 Ireland and Scotland

#5 Albania and Romania

#6 Japan

#7 Mexico and Argentina

#8 Spain

#9 Estonia and Poland

#10 Cyprus and Greece

#11 Hungary

#12 Luxembourg and Austria

#13 India

#14 New Zealand and Australia

#15 USA

#16 Belgium

#17 Netherlands

#18 Finland and Sweden

#19 Russia

#20 France

#21 Philippines

#22 Italy

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