21 Ironic Caricatures About the Modern World That Can Leave a Bitter Aftertaste

Every one of Davide Bonazzi’s illustrations tells a tale that might cause anyone to pause and consider the status of the world right now. Davide collaborates with some of the biggest publishing companies in the world because of the tremendous demand for his innovative works. His website also features his artwork,


#1 Education

#2 Tax

#3 Power of Money

#4 Online support

#5 The quickening development

#6 Progress

#7 Monitoring

#8 Cyber crime

#9 Zero discretion

#10 Peace of war

#11 Opportunity

#12 Memory

#13 Safety

#14 Family

#15 Escape

#16 The working class

#17 Privileges

#18 Comfort zone

#19 The information era

#20 Altruism

#21 flight

photo credit Davide Bonazzi / davidebonazzi.com, DavideBonazzi / davidebonazzi.com

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